Serial Adventurer, Motivational Speaker and Scouting Ambassador.

The South West Done

James Ketchell > Blog > The South West Done

Hey guys,

Today I’m typing this blog from Bristol where I am taking a day off the bike. The sun is shining and there is not a cloud in the sky! I need to head to a bike shop to buy a new pump, a few CO2 canisters and possibly a new chain as I had it measured a few days ago and it’s quite worn. I also need to pop to the Apple shop as all my notes have disappeared from my phone which is a real pain. I’m told this has been a common problem recently. I don’t have a lot of luck with electrics as my newly purchased Garmin Edge 520 packed up on me yesterday. Thankfully my good friend Ian who is a tech wizard told me how to do a reset and as if by magic it came back to life!

The past few days have actually been very enjoyable cycling, apart from the rain. I’ve had a massive tail wind of about 40 mph which has literally blown me all the way up the Cornish and Devon coast. It’s been many years since I have been to this part of the country and I had forgotten just how scenic in places it is. After a week on the bike I’m starting to feel fit again, not nearly as fit as when I returned from the world cycle, but hopefully by the end of this trip I’ll be back to somewhere close to that.

A few nights ago I stayed in Ilfracombe with some friends Tony and Shirley who until a few years ago lived in Hampshire, a few minutes away from me. The last time I saw them was when I returned from my world cycle, they were mistaken for my parents which I’m sure they won’t forget. But they certainly looked after me like they were my parents when I stayed with them, washing my stinking kit and Tony very kindly cleaned my bike whilst I was in the shower. I was then treated to an amazing dinner at the local Italian restaurant with their son Peter and his wife. It was a great evening and really made my day! There are lots of very good people in this world!

Now don’t forget guys, anyone who is interested can cycle with me, just tweet me @captainketch to find out how and where you can join me.

I do need to say a big thank you to Anthony at ZeroSixZero Map for building an awesome map and tracking feature. Save this link guys if you’d like to track me around Britain.

I’m heading into Wales tomorrow so now moving up and round the country at quite a nice pace.

Instead of visiting Costa or Starbucks today myself and the young people that OTW help would be ever so grateful if you could make a text donation.

It’s super easy as well!

Text: OTWR16 £5 to 70070

Out for now guys

Captain Ketch

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